Laboratory Directorates and impact of RESAOLAB on the management of the COVID-19 crisis
Through the West African Network of Medical Biology Laboratories (RESAOLAB) project, the Mérieux Foundation supports the sustainable improvement of health systems in West Africa by strengthening laboratory capacities. During COVID-19 crisis, the Mérieux Foundation, supported by the French Development Agency (AFD), mobilized alongside the network’s member countries, to support the Laboratory Directorates (DL) and strengthen COVID-19 diagnosis.
During the evaluation carried out by the EpiLinks/Davycas International Group, qualitative and quantitative data were collected and analysed. They come from desk reviews and interviews with key country stakeholders.
The results of the survey, presented in a report and at a feedback meeting attended by national and international stakeholder, helped to highlight the important role of Laboratory Directorates in leading the response to COVID-19 and to offer opportunities for improvement.