The fight against cholera epidemics requires a rapid and effective response including medical care, and water supply, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) activities. In order to meet the needs and growing demand of countries, Action Contre la Faim (ACF), an international non-governmental organization, decided to strengthen the capacity of its field teams to implement high-impact epi-driven, geo-targeted and evidence-based interventions.
The purpose of the ACF cholera operational toolkit developed by EpiLinks is to provide Standard Operating Procedures for ACF field teams to prevent, prepare for and respond to cholera outbreaks, combining coordinated Health and WASH activities and encouraging multidisciplinary working.
The ACF Cholera operational toolkit is made up of a panel of operational technical briefs distributed over five modules: 1) Coordination; 2) Cholera case management; 3) Cholera response in the community; 4) Assessment, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning; and 5) Support functions (logistics, human resources, communication).
EpiLinks collected ACF end-users’ expectations in terms of contents and structure for a toolkit, and developed the modules based on available resources including materials from rom the Global Task Force for Cholera Control (GTFCC) and other key actors, as well as relevant scientific articles, countries information and ACF field experience. Each technical brief was reviewed by experts from relevant departments in ACF.