Our team

Philippe Jaillard

Health Systems and Supply Chain Strengthening

Executive Director – Co-founder

Isabelle Delrieu

Sciences and Technologies for Health

President – Co-foundera

Elise Guillermet

Medical Anthropology

Associate – Co-founder

Florentina Rafael

Field epidemiology 

Jessica Dunoyer

Outbreak Response

Roger Gnangoran

Commercial and Marketing

Sandy Moore

Epidemiology, Molecular biology

Alexandre Blake

Public Health, Epidemiology

Experts network

We have developed a network of experts in EpiLinks’ complementary areas or focus areas. These specialists, based in the field or at the global level, can be quickly mobilized to respond in timely and appropriate manner. The mobilizable skills of our network :

Health economics

Data management


Capacity building and Learning science

Health information system

Cold chain and supply chain

Field epidemiology

Medical anthropology

Supply chain analyst

 Partners network

Building on a strong base of past achievements, we have developed a privileged partnership with other organizations. Together, we can leverage our expertise and experience for the development and implementation of joint projects

  • GaneshAID, specialized in health system strengthening, public health supply chain, capacity building and learning, and digital solutions

  • The Learning Flow, specialized in e-learning and training programs

  • Innov-sud, specialized in qualitative studies, social mobilization and communication in West African rural settings

  • OASYS, specialized in grant managements and technical assistance services to support implementation of public health projects and programs in Africa